Cuno Fischer
CUNO FISCHER (1914-1973)
Cuno Fischer was an iconoclastic painter, product and ceramics designer. While in school he earned his livelihood as a circus clown and bar pianist. Between 1962 and 1972, he created a range of bowls and vases for Rosenthal's Studio Line featuring tribal style relief decoration resembling scarification.
He also designed similar pieces for Hutschenreuther and created one of a kind art glass objects and more utilitarian glass pieces for Gral Glass Works.
In 1953, Fischer became a member of a southern French gypsy's family, where he also adopted Marianne Adam, a gypsy. In 1963, he and his family moved back to Germany into a generous studio house built according to his own plans.
Fischer also worked as a set designer at a number of theaters, and published journalistic works such as art critiques and essays.